Jan 21, 2009

~ I'm Back ~

I didn't go anywhere, just been so busy that I haven't had a moment to catch you up on my 'oh so exciting life'. I find that when I don't have time to blog, I make blog enteries in my head. I know, I'm such a loser (quiet Mr. C). So I'll be driving and making up witty and amazing (to me) entires about this and that.

So here are some of them, presented in the ever popular top 10.

1. Mr. O comes up to the kitchen the other evening while I'm making dinner.

O: Hi mom.

Mom: Hey Bud.
O: You know what I need to do mom.
Mom: What?
O: Meditate.
Mom: stunned silence.
O: promptly sits on the kitchen floor, takes a while to figure out the crossed leg thing, palms up on his knees..... hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

2. Dear Hub,

The following are not considered foreplay.

a) Giving me a sidelong glance and saying in a Joey voice "How you doin?"

b) Racing into our bedroom on a sunday afternoon while I'm finally having some quiet time while reading, lock the door and announce that 'the kids are all busy playing wii', and look at me expectantly.

c) Announcing that you don't think I should take your truck out to my rural client, even though you know it's really rough on my van, cause you just washed your truck and you think I'll get it dirty. Ya, that one does nothing for your popularity level with me.

The following are considered foreplay.

a) washing the dishes yourself

b) folding laundry

c) removing the children from the house, and you go with them

d) doing all of these in one day, man you're gonna be lucky. However doing one everyday and expecting that the results will be the same is a vast miscalculation on your part. All must be completed in one day or they are not counted toward your luckiness.

3. I've been making a Pro's and Con's list in my head this week regarding my job. This is occurring because it's very crazy at the moment and I've been working a lot.

So here are my list so far.

Me continuing to work at the current rate of exhaustion.


Finances are not a problem.

The only Debt is our house.

Savings accounts are accumulating.

Trips are being planned and saved for.

No real need for anything.

Food storage is building.

Fridge and cupboards are full.

Kids have everything they need, and more.

Have every electronic known to man.

Considering a new vehicle that will pull my trailer.

Trailer is paid for in less than a year.


House is nearly always in a state of messiness.

Mother is at her wits end most of the time.

Children think that the mother has actually lost her mind this time.

Phone, fax and email are constantly alerting me.

Husband is using every trick at his disposal to get 'my attention', most (all) are not working.

Laundry gets washed but often not folded or put away.

Meals are not that interesting of late. Kraft dinner has been used (gasp)

Though stressed mother has been able to get running done, stress is causing weight gain.

Appointments have been arrived at late ( I hate that)

Blogging has not been consistent.

Tired, tired mommy.

So what do you think? Worth the stress and strain to not have the other stress and stra,p.in of financial worries?

Still weighing both sides.

4. It would seem I'm having an affair. I've just found out. I was in a Ward Conference last week fulfilling my Stk Calling, which is basically show up at stuff and do nothing. Look good, maybe. So my main man is there. I may have mentioned to him that I would be attending, so that he could make sure and be there. I didn't see him when I first sat down, cause I was a little late. (See #3). But when I found him, he wasn't lost, he was on the bench in front of me. So I get up in the middle of the meeting and plop myself down beside him. I may have also snuggled right up to him and put my arm through his for extra snuggliness. Now this guy and I have tonnes of history. Not love history (he wishes)...but we've been friends forever. In fact, I think except for B who I went to kindergarten with...I've been friends with him the longest. Anyway, it would seem that from behind when I got all snuggly and arm woundy...it looked like we were holding hands. Whatever. First of all, if I was going to put the moves on this guy (he's smiling) I don't think I would choose a VERY public area full of people that have known me since childhood. Just sayin'. And second of all, if I did put the moves on this guy...he'd die from shock. I told Hub about this when I heard that I was having an affair with D. He laughed. He knows about D.

5. As I lay here catching up on some long neglected blogging...the J man is here with me....watching Backyardigans. I hate Backyardigans. Are they Dinosaurs? Clay people/animals? Why don't some have noses? And why the h*ll do they have to sing everything? The main theme especially makes me want to......cause you can't have the whole wide world in your backyard to explore. And they are not my friends, the Backyardigans.

6. Bought beach towels at Costco today. Yipppeee. Summer will come. I know it will. It has never failed me yet. Each year it arrives and I spend actual time with my children. And now that we have our trailer....oh the places we'll go. But probably not the same places that Dr. Suess went. Cause that guy had a strange and wonderful mind. But he definately just made up words so that everything rhymed. I should speak in ryhm. How do you spell ryhm? Anyho, beach towels.

7. Dear American Idol,

I was never a fan of your first 6 seasons. I thought it was dumb. Mostly because I didn't tune in from the beginning to see the really stupid people that thought they could sing. Like who told these people that they could sing, or dress, or were good looking in any way? Their mothers? Cause I'm not a mother like that. Children walk out in self chosen outfits that are not well done, I let them know. I'm a good mother, I'm saving them from ridicule at school. So I think that the mothers of these people are bad...bad mothers. OR, they are wonderful cruel mothers who tell their children that they are pretty and talented and well dressed, just so they'll try out for American Idol and wait with a kabillion other people for their 30 seconds of fame. And their mother is laughing on her couch because they are soooooo bad, and they look bad too. Nice.

I did enjoy the writers strike of 2008 the forced me to find something....anything to watch in my de-compress from my life time at night. And during such searching I tuned in and discovered the beauty of David Cook. Thanks American Idol for the sweet re-mixes he did of popular songs. Billy Jean was my favorite.

Series recording - American Idol.

8. Dogs fart and snore.

I found this out while at my Wednesday night client. They're out on an acreage just outside my town. They have two beautiful big black labs. The sweetest canine's that I know. I don't know many, but these two are at the top. Anyway. They're maxin some relaxin at my feet...not on my feet cause they're huge and that would cause numbness. Anyway, smelly and noisy. Like old men.

9. Okay, J man is still here and the program has changed. What kind of names are Toopy and Binno? Did someone think up these names while they were intoxicated? Cause those aren't real names. And what is Binno anyway? A cat? Then why are his ears so small....and how come he doesn't talk. And why does Toopy talk so much. ( I don't know anyone that talks too much)

10. I was also informed today that I sound like I'm a child. I know you think I got that wrong and I was told I act like a child. No.....mistaken. Talk like one. My new Crackberry....I seem to sound younger when I use it. Are there any advantages to sounding like an 8 year old on the phone.....?? N asked if my mom was there, and Hub asked why S was answering my cell phone. Both cases I answered the phone. I'll try to rememer to use my big girl voice next time.

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