Jan 23, 2009

~ Monkey see.....Monkey Do...~

I've been informed, in response to my Foreplay post, by the husbands of my friends....that training a husband is much like training a monkey. My own husband doesn't have an opinion here, cause he doesn't read my blog. He gets enough of this chatter at home. (whatever)

Provide the right incentive and they'll do anything.

However, remove this incentive and they wander around aimlessly.

The information provided by said husbands indicated that they are very happy to do the following.

~Wash Dishes

~Fold Laundry


~Wash Children

~Remove Garbage

~Wash Floors


~Various household repairs

~Encourage children to clean

~Encourage children to be silent

~Encourage children to not bother, look at or irritate their mother

~Grocery shop - with a specific list that provides brand, price and location in the store.

~Grocery shop and not add 5 bags of chips to the list

~Allow regular 'girls night'

~Watch chick flicks and not roll their eyes

~Allow an appreciation of the DNA combination of Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Gerard Butler, Simon Baker and Patrick Dempsey....among others.

~Surrender the remote.

~ Give up 90% of the PVR space

~ Allow lengthy 'me' times

And well the list could really go for an eternity, but you get the point.

Said husbands say that all this is available to us, and more.....for one small reward.

I don't think I need to spell that one out.

However, though this seems to be an easy calculation of demand and supply (not the other way around) may I suggest that there are far more perks than these husbands are considering. Maybe they could put the desired reward lower on the list...as I have a list of sparkly rewards that are also available to them....should they continue to provide items (all items) from above.

~ Allowed to live here

~ Allowed to eat here

~ Allowed to sleep here

~ Allowed to be bossed around here

~ Allowed to be outfit analyzed here

All good things that make their lives full, complete and worth waking up each morning.

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