Oct 1, 2008

10 lbs in 100 Days - Week 2

Week Two - any success?

I'm here to report that I lost 1.5 pounds....for a total of 2. Small numbers, but a start.

My tip for the week.

I find that if I leave my runners on all day, I get more done. Try it. Not that comfy to curl up with a book and your shoes on. I tend to to keep on working around the house. I noticed that Flylady suggested the same thing. Wake up in the morning, get dressed right to your shoes. Start your day off with a bang and keep on going.

Let me know how much you lost this week.

Totals I've received so far.

Host - 2

BJ - 3

M -2






Come on slacka's.....give me your numbers.

What is my plan to stay motivated? Just signed up for a 5K race with my SIL.....on DEC 31ST!! I'll have to keep running just to keep my pituty warm.

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