May 10, 2010

One day at a time...

Thanks Karen for the reminder that life is just one day at a time...

Last week was a little crumby...verging on pretty crumby...and ending with definately crumby. 

Why?  Many reasons,  many situations and ending with stuff that I can't control.

Anyway, new week,  though it looks to play out the same as last.

This is the book I'm currently reading.  Why?  Well I have some stuff rumbling around the noggin and this is teaching a mind set that will foster those to be come reality.  Basically is states that if you think it,  it will happen.  Now,  we've heard this before.  The Secret says to just think positively and throw it out to the universe and the universe will return it back to you.  Who is 'the Universe' anyway?  I get the concept.    Mr. Napoleon throws in a slightly different perspective that I appreciated more fully.  If you want something bad enough,  if you think about it all the time and put all your energy and resources into making it will.  This is because you have made your thought process center on what you want,  therefore your actions follow through,  therefore the people you associate are ones that can further your goal...and so on and so on and so on... (what was that commerical that was the and so on and so on?)  I agree with this.  If you set your mind,  energy,  actions,  associations and goals toward something,  you are destine to accomplish it,  even if only to a small point.  The same is true if this was a negative goal. 

Napoleon (dynamite) points out that criminals do not become criminals right away.  How do they accomplish their goal...if this is even a conscious goal?  They associate with a certain type of people,  in certain types of situation, and put for their thoughts and actions in a certain way....and voila,  jail time.  They seem to be the epidomy of his research.  Why then can't this happen for success?  Why can't I have a goal in mind,  make it a part of my daily, fact constant thought process.  Put time and energy and work into the details of that goal.  Associate with people that can help that goal...make every part of me centered toward accomplishment?  Well,  I can...and will.
I'm still reading Mr. Dynamites book.  Not sure how far into it I am cause it's on my blackberry...1/4 through maybe.  Plus homework,  and the pile of research books that are aimed at accomplishing what I want.  Reading my eye balls right out.  All good stuff though.

Step 1 - Desire.
You gotta want it.  I got this one down flat.

Step 2 - Faith
Mr. Dynamite (okay,  that's not his name at all,  whatever) is a believing man.  Beliefs are funny things,  and different with every person.  For me and my life at the moment,  my faith will centre on the belief that I know I can do this.

So what is it?  The burning question?  That's for me to know,  and you not too.  : )   Not yet anyway....there are a bunch of beans...and I'm not quite ready to spill them.

1 comment:

  1. My big sister always says "What you think about, you bring about!" and the scriptures tell us "As a man thinketh, so is he." We have been taught this principle for years, but I have yet to really apply it in a way that will really make things start to happen. Thanks for the reminder, and you can absolutely do this :)
