1. I love hot drinks....I would be a serious coffee addict if given the chance. Hot drinks calm my nerves....Brian often find me making dinner with a hot chocolate in hand. It's that or kill the kids....
2. I like to watch 'So you think you can dance'. But only the first few shows when all those people that stood in line for a kazillion hours, because they are convinced they're a dancer, get up there and show their moves. Then they either fall on their face (a guy really did that one time....smacked his face right on the floor) or they shake their booty and they're so big that the booty keeps shaking after they are long done dancing.
3. My favorite snack lately is Special K Vanilla cereal, dry....just pour some in a cup and keep reading your book. It's yummy and low fat.....that's the best combination.
4. I think there should be a weight limit on spandex clothing. On the tag should say 120 pounds or less. Why is it that the people who would look good in spandex avoid it, and those that make us puke in our mouths a little....wear it to Walmart.
5. 25 degrees is my perfect outdoor temperature. Warm enough to go to the beach...but not so warm that your clothes stick to you.
6. When I was 8 or so...my dad gave me this big talk about not letting boys put their arm around me. Apparantly that was the biggest sin he could think of at the time.....however now that I think of it, he was on the right track. Everything can be attributed to that boy putting his arm around you.
7. Have you ever considered that 'Organic' is probably latin for 'using more cow poop'. Just a thought.
8. What is with those commercials for the drugs for 'dysfunction'. You know what I mean....all of the sudden people are skipping and ball room dancing just because everything is now preforming. I think they should make those more realistic. Show the wife holding the big knife while she's making dinner....considering her options of elminating her husband...and then remembering that the drugs have helped out with their 'dysfunction' and put the knife down. Then she could have the voice over say... "Viagra...helps him live one more day" Maybe I should go into advertising.
9. But my favorite commercials are the ones for seemingly innocent drugs. Liver or something.....BUT...side effects may include....losing your left arm, dry mouth until your tongue falls out, heart palpitations so you're bed ridden, your hair falls out, your dog dies, you can no long 'preform' (unless you're taking the above mentioned). Your lungs shut down, your brain explodes and your hearing is a little iffy....but your liver is now working.....
10. Don't you hate it when you go to someones blog to read their witty comments for the week....only to find out they are having a bit of a fiesty day and you're feeling the uncontrollable need to back away from the screen. All the while thinking your glad you don't live in THAT house today.... = )
11. So you come to a four way stop and it is beyond obvious that you came to a complete stop 10 minutes ahead of that other guy....but please....you first....I'm sure that kid on my back seat can hold it a little longer.
12. I've decided that my van can be my 72 hour kit. No need for backpacks at my house. It has food, blankets, water and DVD's with built in stereo. That's all you really need anyway. Plus, why put it away, just throw it on the floor....easy access that way.
Okay that's it for this week. I'm out of things to be critical about....I do feel better though.
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