Oct 12, 2007

~ To the point.... ~

1. If I could change something about myself, it would be my tendency to think negative before positive....keep that fault in my personality in mind as you read.

2. I always need my life SUPER full....like unbelievably busy at all time. Why? I don't know. I never have a moment that there isn't something I need to do. If I sit and read a book it is because I'm neglecting something else.

3. I just spent a couple days writing the Primary Presentation for our ward....we have 130 kids. So as I'm meticulously giving every child a part, and making sure it all flows...I'm thinking. No one cares what any of these kids say.... really. Parents want to see and hear their children sing the songs and be a part. And usually you can't understand what the kids say anyway...the microphone is passed to them too quickly and then wrenched out of their hands by the next kid. So I think we should change it. They'll sing the songs and in between we'll just introduce each child....drum roll and then the child stands up.......Michael Smith.....sits down. Done. No line he doesn't remember, and we can't understand. His parents saw him, he did his obligatory wave to them like as if he hasn't seen them in a life time....and it's the best Presentation ever.

4. Why is it that the women have to be pregnant, have the babies, raise the babies and also be expected to lose the weight and look fantastic while they're doing it. That's a lot of pressure. What is my husband expected to do? Get me pregnant...give me the baby when he cries, ask me HOW to raise the children...expect me to look good...for HIM of course. I'm thinking the balance is a little off here. (Everyone knows that this is just me talking....Brian is fantastic)

5. So Brian and I are taking a trip in December...just the two of us. There was a promo at work that he qualified for...and we're taking the fantastic honeymoon...13 years late. So we're going to a tropical place...and he wants me to get a bikini. WHAT!!!?!??? First of all, as if I'm wearing anything in front of others that screams....look at my stretch marks...I've had four babies. Second of all....I don't see him buffing up to be super ripped to walk on the beach....third...WHAT a bikini. Whatever buddy, keep on dreamin'

6. Brussel Sprouts - What the heck? First of all who picked up the hard green ball that tasted like death and said "Hey these would be good to eat"

7. Why do we buy candy and give it to other children dressed in bad costumes? And also take our children to take candy from other people. I'm going to buy a box of candy...put the kids to bed and eat the candy myself.

8. I tape General Conference on my PVR. Partly because I don't always get organized enough to be sitting down at 10. But also because I like to be able to rewind if I missed something. However, I also fast forward through the singing...Brian thinks that might be sac religious. I think it's just being time efficient.

9. Speaking of my PVR. It's the best invention ever, and the best gift Brian ever gave me. I never miss a show again. Last year when I got it, my brother's in law were all laughing at me because I'd tape so much stuff. They thought I taped stuff....just to tape it....and never actually watched it. Now they have their own PVR's and are as addicted as I am....and are calling me to find out how to work it. Who's laughing now... I'm going to tell them how to tape the shows but then put in a little part that stops recording 18 minutes in....hahaha....

My blog's are taking on a bit of a nasty feel lately....I lived a stressed out life...I need to vent...maybe because of point #2...deal with it.

10. So one of my bestest buds ever is Doug. We've known each other a long long time. We also have a mutual lovey dovey for each other. = ) So one of my best memories growing up is on a winter day. Brain children that we were...we thought it would be a good idea to go tobogganing....with Doug. For those that don't know him....the legs don't work that well. So we put him on the toboggan...send him flying down the hill. Get to the bottom and we're all sort of looking at each other...like...now what. How the heck is Doug going to get back up the hill? So us, in our exemplary friend mode look at him and say...Well you got down here on your own, I guess you're getting back up on your own. He huffed it up that hill with his crutches. Sorry Doug, I feel bad about that still. Oh wait...no I don't. Because when he got to the top he got on the toboggan with me and we went down again. Okay, I felt bad the first time, but not the next 12 times. Love ya buddy.

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