Feb 1, 2008

~ Before the fun day begins ~

It's 8:28 am. We all slept in a little because the kids have today off. They only went to school one day this week. Monday / Tuesday were snow days (aka freeze your pututty off if you stepped outside days). Wednesday they went to school, and Thurdsay and today were already days they were supposed to get off. I've had a lot of my children this week. That is not a good combination when I have deadlines. I'm a workaholic.....and not totally by choice. I have a job that can come down all at once. So I have not choice but to spend the time getting the work done. I make my own hours, control my own projects, take or reject new clients. It's all under my control in a sense. But there are deadlines, and those must be met or people pay money they shouldn't have to . Anyway, I don't love my job, I love aspects of it...but if I had the choice I'd be an event planner. So, I told the kids that today we'd do something fun. We've had serious cabin fever this week. I got quite alot of work done, and met the deadline in the cases that were under my control. We considered swimming, it's a bit freezy out there. So we're going to attempt the Science Centre. That's a crazy place most of the time, but I made a promise and I can't go back on it. I'm famous for promising them something and then I get caught up with phone calls and emails and I don't follow through. They're going to the Science Centre today even if it kills me, which it likely will. That place is my worse nightmare. Children running around unsupervised and touching things. Actually my worse nightmare is those indoor play gym places. That's a migraine waiting to happen. So this is may be my last will and testiment.
I leave my 4 lovely children to my husband....let him finally 'get' what it's like to be the mom.
I leave my clothes to K, she has multiple wardrobes from me already.
I leave all my baby stuff to D...not much left but if you can find it, it's yours.
Leave my books and craft stuff to J. It will finally be organized.
Leave my treadmill to T.....cause we're both still talking like we can actually finish the Triathlon.
All my daughters clothes to A, and all the boys clothes to K.
Will update after and see if I survived.

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