Sep 1, 2008

~ Sticks and Stones ~

So I'm supposed to devastated by the revelation that I'm a snob. I'll add it to my 'to do' list for today.


Is this supposed to be something that I've never heard before? PUH-lease.

I'm not just a snob, but a queen snob. I rank high on the snobbery scale and work hard to maintain my status there.

So how does a mega snob like me make friends, keep friends and continue relationships with people. I mean, who would possibly want to be friends with such a person. ha ha.

Well for starters I don't fly my freak flag all the time.

So here is the Conundrum. Does a snob like me continue to allow anonymous comments on the blog? I've had some really great comments that I've appreciated, and then the other ones. I'll keep pondering.

In the meantime, here is a sampling of the Vacation Friends Questionaire that I will be publishing in a local newspaper near you.

  1. Are you a Snob?
  2. Do you like to hang out with Snobs?
  3. Are you a blog lurker?
  4. Do you leave anonymous comments on people's blogs?

You know, in addition to the regular questions.

  1. Are you irritating?
  2. Are you good looking?
  3. Do you chew with your mouth open?
  4. What was your gross yearly wage last year?

Oh, and I'll be hosting the first annual "I'm a friend of a Snob" convention this year.

Stay tuned.

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