Dec 30, 2008

~ Next Year ~

Next year we're leaving. You were all lovely, and we enjoyed the craziness of the bonding, but year we're leaving.

Next year we're sitting on a beach for Christmas, we're getting a tan, we're going where no one knows us and no one can find us.

We're not driving to the city for 45 times, we're not freezing in the wind chill (which I used to think was wind shield, those forecast guys are hard to understand sometimes) we're not layering up to keep ourselves from over-exposure (again, that brings a whole different thought to mind).

Next year.....

This year we're going away, but not to any place warm. Well, it will be moderately warm, I assume they have heat. We're taking off to West Ed for a couple days. But first I have to run the race that SIL and I thought would be a great idea. I'm not sure what planet our brains had vacationed to, cause it was not a good idea. Free jacket or no. It's still cold out there....oh, so lets go run outside for 5km. (eye roll). Anyway, we're running our race tomorrow evening. The race that I had trained for a couple months , but not in the last couple weeks. Don't even know where my runners are at the moment, never named having them touch my feet. But we'll do it. And maybe die, this might be the last time you have the ultimate privilege of reading my always witty and never inappropriate jabber. Is a silent tear rolling?

1. I was lurking on a blog that I frequently lurk, and she was talking about being married and having guy friends. I had lots of guy friends growing up, but not a lot of girlfriends. Girls were drama, I wasn't into it. Guys were way more fun. But now, when you're married how do you keep up or acquire new friendships with 'guys'. I have one main man who's been the main man since high school. He knows he's my main man, he knows my love and affection for him....he only wishes that I'd realized this in high school....whatever, a girl can only be so smart. Anyway I don't spend nearly enough time with D man....but life happens. It's something I thought was an interesting point to ponder. No opinion really.....just a hmmmmmm moment.

2. The Santa situation at our house is getting precarious. T has figured it out....S has some suspicions but is the ultimate believer on Christmas Eve. O is a dedicated, can't sleep at night, bright eyed and jumping with excitement, all on board believer. And J boy doesn't have a clue. It's a tight rope for a mother to walk.

3. Gifts are nice and appreciated, but the best thing to give me is cold hard cash. Especially when I delusionally think that we're taking many trips this year.

4. Two more days until Bath and Body Works.......two more days until Bath and Body Works.

5. We'll be swimming during this little adventure. I am not a fan of the swimming. Plus, K has informed me that I am also a bad swimmer. Swimming means being wet and cold. Neither of which I'm a fan of. Plus there is a lot of scratching. The kids cling on to you when the waves hit, when we're going into the deeper water, when they're flying off then end of the slide and you're supposed to catch them. Every situation ends with skin that is wet being scrapped by little finger and toe nails. Ouchy and ouchy. So all the children will be de-clawed before going on this trip, I don't want my skin sliced up.

6. The kids all had dentist appointments today. The big O is old enough now to have the full cleaning...not just a "Happy Visit" as they call it. Don't know why it's so happy, even if the people were smiling at you, you can't tell because of the masks. What are the masks for? Do they have bad breath? Are they secretly glaring at you due to your dirty teeth? Are they all carrying infectious diseases that they are kindly not spreading? It's a question mark for me. Anyhoo, O is in the chair having his perfect teeth cleaned, and I hear this terrible gagging/puking sound. Mommy instinct kicks in and I race in there. He's fine, just an overactive gag reflex like his sister. But he does look pretty stylin' with the sunglasses.

7. And, while were at the dentist we visited a little with M. (Yes that's right Missy, you're being mentioned on this famous blog that you are shamelessly promoting to your friends and family). It's all fine and nice until M mentions that my blog is the topic of conversation at the family Christmas. Oh, and that she's trying to get everyone she knows or is related to, to read it. Ya, no pressure to write good stuff. No pressure to come up with continual witty and entertaining banter. NO PRESSURE!!!

8. Hub takes me on the most romantic dates. Time together, in the snow and wind chill (got it right that time....not wind shield) snow shovel, heavy's just wonderful. I thank my luck stars everyday that he's mine. (gag)

9. And speaking of Dates. I finally went on my date with Mr. C. Oh the joy and rapture. However it was disappointing. 1/2 hour, all in the car and we talked about his wife the whole time. That guy needs to gain some 'dating your wife's friends etiquette'.

10. And the big race. Ya, don't think so. Really I entered the race to give me a goal for the training. And though I haven't run in the last couple weeks, the last couple months there was tonnes of running and even weight loss. So I'm skipping out on the run tonight, spending the night with the best friends ever....

Stay tuned for new weight challenges in 2009.

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